Sandpoint Idaho Dover Bay Wedding Photographer Photography Surrounding Areas
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Sandpoint Idaho Dover Bay Wedding Photographer Photography Surrounding Areas

Trying to create an image that I would say "could get into a magazine" every wedding is one fifth of my goal. Coming up with 5 images is where I set my bar. This particular image photographed in the romantic setting of Dover Bay, Idaho, indeed was the absolute winner this particular sunny day in paradise. The wedding itself was at a private home in the area. With the perfect clouds, lake backdrop, the baby blue sky and the longest vail I have ever got to work with, my mouth dropped after the shutter made the "money" sound. Backyard weddings is where we find most of our photography happening, as the bride and grooms tend to be not as stressed out as the expensive venues that don't necessarily cater to individuals needs and desires. Idaho itself is a great location to find yourself exchanging vows in the summer months. It snows to much and is to frigid cold in the winter months. North Idaho boasts beautiful lakes, rivers and majestic mountain scenery almost everywhere you can see. If you find that you are searching for photography in the Northern Idaho and surrounding areas looking for a photographer who can capture magazine worthy images to remember your special day. Maybe you should contact us and see if we are available.

Location: 659 Lakeshore Avenue, Sandpoint, ID 83864.

Keywords: Sandpoint Idaho Stunning Wedding Imagery.